Thursday, May 30, 2013

My Thoughts on Blogging

I like being a part of this circle.  I like knowing other WOPAs and making connections.  I thought when I started this blog I would share my insights and path to healing.  It could maybe help someone else to find healing too. But the problem is, I'm often discouraged and don't have so many great insights to share.  So I don't blog.  And then I don't make connections.  And I get stuck in isolation.  I know some of you much better than you know me, because you eloquently share and I remain silent.  How can I call that a meaningful friendship? I know lots of you and even have a handful of numbers saved in my phone.  But I never call to reach out because I figure that someone is probably too busy.  

I'd like to turn over a new leaf and become more active in our circle of WOPAs, but I think I need to modify HOW I blog.  I'm going to try an experiment: going private. I'm hopeful that if I know and trust my readers I will be more willingly to be vulnerable and really share what is going on in my life.  I've given up on the idea of being some recovery star that has lots of wisdom to share with an unknown audience.  I want to be real, but in a safe place.  I'd like to trade anonymity for meaningful connections.  If you will email me, marleehere (at) gmail, I'll send you an invite to the new blog.  I'm going to leave this blog open because I'd always like to make new friends.  So regardless of when you read this post, feel free to contact me.  I'm no expert at recovery, but I understand the pain of being a WOPA.  See you soon on the "safe side."
